

You can find the hold project in the our Github folder.

Table of Contents

Installing of angular localize

We’ll require the Angular CLI, so be sure to install it by running:


npm install -g @angular/cli

Create a new Angular app with the CLI:

ng new angular-i18n --routing --style=scss --strict

Install the @angular/localize package:

cd angular-i18n
ng add @angular/localize


The ng add @angular/localize command automatically updates :

  • The tsconfig.app.json : with "types": [ "@angular/localize" ]
  • The tsconfig.spec.json : with "types": [ "jasmine", "@angular/localize" ]

Marking Strings for Localization

  • Structure of i18n tag

Short Course on Marking Strings for Localization

Objective: Ready your Angular project for translation with succinct string marking.

  1. i18n Attribute in Templates:

    • Mark text using i18n.
    • Example: <h1 i18n="meaning|desc@@id">Welcome to My App</h1> or <h1 i18n>Welcome to My App</h1>
  2. i18n- Attribute for Attributes:

    • Translate attribute text with i18n-.
    • Example: <img [src]="logo" i18n-title="meaning|desc@@id" title="Angular Cookbook logo" alt="CookBook logo"/> or <img [src]="logo" i18n-title title="Angular Cookbook logo" alt="Angular Cookbook logo"/>
  3. $localize Tagged Message in Code:

    • Dynamically mark code strings using $localize.
    • Example: const welcome = $localizemeaning|desc@@welcome, ${username}!;



Identify and mark strings:

  • Static text: Use i18n.
  • Attribute text: Apply i18n-.
  • Dynamic code text: Utilize $localize.
  • No need to give each string a unique ID. The ID is optional and it will be generated automatically.

For more information, see Internationalization (i18n).

Update the app.component.html file

<h1 i18n="User welcome|An introduction header for this sample@@introductionHeader">
  Hello i18n!

<ng-container i18n>I don't output any element</ng-container>


<img [src]="logo" alt="Angular Cookbook logo" i18n-title title="Angular Cookbook logo"/>
<button (click)="inc(1)" type="button">+</button>
<button (click)="inc(-1)" type="button">-</button>
<span i18n>Updated {minutes, plural, =0 {just now} =1 {one minute ago} other {{{minutes}} minutes ago}}</span>
<button (click)="male()" type="button">&#9794;</button>
<button (click)="female()" type="button">&#9792;</button>
<button (click)="other()" type="button">&#9895;</button>
<span i18n>The author is {gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}</span>
<span i18n>Updated: {minutes, plural,
  =0 {just now}
  =1 {one minute ago}
  other {{{minutes}} minutes ago by {gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}}}

Update the app.component.ts file

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {CommonModule, NgPlural} from '@angular/common';
import {RouterOutlet} from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [CommonModule, RouterOutlet, NgPlural],
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrl: './app.component.css'
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'angular-i18n';
  tasksCount = 3;
  minutes = 0;
  gender = 'female';
  fly = true;
  logo = 'https://angular.io/assets/images/logos/angular/angular.png';

  inc(i: number) {
    this.minutes = Math.min(5, Math.max(0, this.minutes + i));

  male() {
    this.gender = 'male';

  female() {
    this.gender = 'female';

  other() {
    this.gender = 'other';

Extracting the Message Strings

we will configure the app to support localization. We’ll start by adding the LOCALE_ID provider to the AppModule:

1- add the LOCALE_ID provider to the AppModule or in the main.ts file:

import { LOCALE_ID, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
providers: [{ provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'en' }]


The LOCALE_ID provider is required for the Angular localization API to work.

2- create a locale folder in the src folder for the locale files:

mkdir src/locale

3- configure the angular.json

  "projects": {
    "angular-i18n": {
      // ...
      "i18n": {
        "sourceLocale": "en", // default locale
        // locales to translate to
        "locales": {
          "fr": { 
            "translation": "src/locale/messages.fr.xlf",
            "baseHref": ""
          "de": {
            "translation": "src/locale/messages.de.xlf",
            "baseHref": "" 
      "architect": {
        // ...
  // ...


The i18n property in the angular.json file is used to configure the localization process. The sourceLocale property specifies the default locale for the app. The locales property is used to specify the locales to translate to. The translation property specifies the path to the translation file for the locale. The baseHref property is used to specify the base URL for the locale.

And create configuration settings for fr and de under build:

  "projects": {
    "angular-i18n": {
      // ...
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          // ...
          "configurations": {
            "production": {
              // ...
            "fr": {
              "localize": ["fr"],
              "outputPath": "dist/fr/",
              "i18nMissingTranslation": "error"
            "de": {
              "localize": ["de"],
              "outputPath": "dist/de/",
              "i18nMissingTranslation": "error"
        // ...
  // ...


  • The localize property is used to specify the locales to translate to.
  • The outputPath property is used to specify the output path for the locale.
  • The i18nMissingTranslation property is used to specify the behavior when a translation is missing.

You can also update the configuration settings under serve:

  "projects": {
    "angular-i18n": {
      // ...
      "architect": {
        "serve": {
          // ...
          "configurations": {
            "production": {
              "browserTarget": "angular-i18n:build:production"
            "fr": {
              "browserTarget": "angular-i18n:build:fr"
            "de": {
              "browserTarget": "angular-i18n:build:de"
        // ...
  // ...


  "scripts": {
    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve",
    "start:fr": "ng serve --configuration=fr",
    "start:de": "ng serve --configuration=de",
    "build": "ng build",
    "build:fr": "ng build --configuration=fr",
    "build:de": "ng build --configuration=de",
    "test": "ng test",
    "lint": "ng lint",
    "e2e": "ng e2e",
    "i18n:extract": "ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locales --format xlf"

4- Automating messages.xlf Generation

Install Install xliffmerge:

npm install --save-dev xliffmerge
  • update package.json file
  name: "angular-i18n",
  "xliffmergeOptions": {
    "srcDir": "src/locales",
    "genDir": "src/locales",
    "defaultLanguage": "en",
    "languages": [
  • Add the xliffmerge script to the package.json file:
    "scripts": {
          "xliffmerge": "./node_modules/ngx-i18nsupport/dist/xliffmerge",
          "i18n:extract": "ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locales --format xlf && xliffmerge"


  • The i18n:extract script extracts the message strings from the app and generates the messages.xlf file for each locale.
  • The xliffmerge script merges the messages.xlf files into a single messages.xlf file for each locale.
  • Run the i18n:extract script:
npm run i18n:extract


The i18n:extract script extracts the message strings from the app and generates the messages.xlf file for each locale.

Translating the Message Strings

1- This is the messages.xlf file in the src/locale folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
  <file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="ng2.template">
      <trans-unit id="introductionHeader" datatype="html">
        <source> Hello i18n by Angular CookBook !</source>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">2,9</context>
        <note priority="1" from="description">An introduction header for this sample</note>
        <note priority="1" from="meaning">User welcome</note>
      <trans-unit id="5206857922697139278" datatype="html">
        <source>I don&apos;t output any element</source>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
      <trans-unit id="3439693597837045937" datatype="html">
        <source>Angular CookBook logo</source>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">9,11</context>
      <trans-unit id="4606963464835766483" datatype="html">
        <source>Updated <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{minutes, plural, =0 {just now} =1 {one minute ago} other {{{minutes}} minutes ago}}" xid="1887283401472369100"/></source>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">13,15</context>
      <trans-unit id="2002272803511843863" datatype="html">
        <source>{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {just now} =1 {one minute ago} other {<x id="INTERPOLATION"/> minutes ago}}</source>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">13,14</context>
      <trans-unit id="3560311772637911677" datatype="html">
        <source>The author is <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}" xid="7670372064920373295"/></source>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">19,21</context>
      <trans-unit id="7670372064920373295" datatype="html">
        <source>{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}</source>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">19,20</context>
      <trans-unit id="3967965900462880190" datatype="html">
        <source>Updated: <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{minutes, plural,
  =0 {just now}
  =1 {one minute ago}
  other {{{minutes}} minutes ago by {gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}}}" xid="6988904457887003660"/>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">21,26</context>
      <trans-unit id="2508975984005233379" datatype="html">
        <source>{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {just now} =1 {one minute ago} other {<x id="INTERPOLATION"/> minutes ago by {VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}}}</source>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">21,26</context>

2- Translate the messages.xlf file for the fr locale:


  • xliffmerge will marke the news strings with the state="new" attribute.
  • xliffmerge will add the target tag with the translated text.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
  <file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="ng2.template" target-language="fr">
      <trans-unit id="introductionHeader" datatype="html">
        <source>Hello i18n by Angular CookBook !
        <target state="new">Salut i18n par Angular CookBook !
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">2,9</context>
        <note priority="1" from="description">An introduction header for this sample</note>
        <note priority="1" from="meaning">User welcome</note>
      <trans-unit id="5206857922697139278" datatype="html">
        <source>I don't output any element</source>
        <target state="new">Je ne sors aucun élément</target>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
      <trans-unit id="3439693597837045937" datatype="html">
        <source>Angular CookBook logo</source>
        <target state="new">Angular CookBook logo</target>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">9,11</context>
      <trans-unit id="4606963464835766483" datatype="html">
          <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{minutes, plural, =0 {just now} =1 {one minute ago} other {{{minutes}} minutes ago}}"
        <target state="new">Mis à jour
          <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{minutes, plural, =0 {just now} =1 {one minute ago} other {{{minutes}} minutes ago}}"
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">13,15</context>
      <trans-unit id="2002272803511843863" datatype="html">
        <source>{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {just now} =1 {one minute ago} other {
          <x id="INTERPOLATION"/>
          minutes ago}}
        <target state="new">{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {maintenant} =1 {il y une minute } other {
          il y a
          <x id="INTERPOLATION"/>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">13,14</context>
      <trans-unit id="3560311772637911677" datatype="html">
        <source>The author is
          <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"
        <target state="new">L'auteur est
          <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}"
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">19,21</context>
      <trans-unit id="7670372064920373295" datatype="html">
        <source>{VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}</source>
        <target state="new">{VAR_SELECT, select, male {homme} female {femme} other {autre}}</target>
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">19,20</context>
      <trans-unit id="3967965900462880190" datatype="html">
          <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{minutes, plural,
  =0 {just now}
  =1 {one minute ago}
  other {{{minutes}} minutes ago by {gender, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}}}"
        <target state="new">Mis à jour:
          <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{minutes, plural,
  =0 {maintenant}
  =1 {il y a une minute}
  other il y a{{{minutes}} minutes par {gender, select, male {homme} female {femme} other {autre}}}}"
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">21,26</context>
      <trans-unit id="2508975984005233379" datatype="html">
        <source>{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {just now} =1 {one minute ago} other {
          <x id="INTERPOLATION"/>
          minutes ago by {VAR_SELECT, select, male {male} female {female} other {other}}}}
        <target state="new">{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {maintenant} =1 {il y a une minute} other {
          il y a
          <x id="INTERPOLATION"/>
          minutes par {VAR_SELECT, select, male {homme} female {femme} other {autre}}}}
        <context-group purpose="location">
          <context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/app.component.html</context>
          <context context-type="linenumber">21,26</context>

3- Translate the messages.xlf file for the de locale:


😆 Have fun translating the messages.xlf file for the de locale.

Building and Deploying the App

More information about Building and Deploying the App.